Friday, March 2, 2012

Senate reconvenes, takes up budget amendments

After a short recess, about 8:20 p.m., the Senate returned to the floor and began work on the striking amendment offered by Senator Zarelli, R-Ridgefield. Senate Democrats offered 35 amendments to restore funding. If the votes continue along the same lines, each amendment will go down by a vote of 24-25.

Amendments that would have restored funding to K-12 funding if adopted included:

- $2.8 million to restore Medicaid Funding for school-based medical services

- Keeping Running Start at 1.2 FTE instead of the 1.0 proposed by Senate Republicans

- $1 million for the Washington College Bound scholarships

- $3.2 million for Readiness to Learn

- $2.8 million for Nav 101

- $950,000 for the Reading Corps

- $1 million for the Beginning Educator Support Team program

The Senate Republicans did not propose an apportionment shift.

The speeches are worth listening to on TVW.
