Speakers for the House Democrats' budget proposal support using the apportionment shift to help close the budget gap. They also argue that the cuts would be too deep and would damage the state's ability to protect our most vulnerable.
The House Republicans argue that the Legislature should live within its means and that the shift violates basic accounting principles.
Just as way of background, WSSDA members responded to a survey over the weekend that asked about the apportionment shift and National Board bonuses. More than 200 members responded, with about 65 percent agreeing with the apportionment shift, about 25 percent supporting a small level of cuts to K-12 but no apportionment shift, and about 10 percent saying they could go with either the apportionment shift or about $50 million in cuts.
On the national board bonuses, members were split nearly evenly on the three different proposals. The House proposal under consideration makes no cuts to the bonuses.
The Republican amendment failed garner enough votes. Moving on to final passage ...