Thursday, February 6, 2014

WSSDA president Mari Taylor speaks in favor of professional development

WSSDA President Mari Taylor kicked off a panel of school district representatives during a work session on professional development before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Education..

Taylor, a 14-year veteran of the Lake Stevens School Board of Directors, said that state funding for professional learning for our classroom teachers, paraeducators and principals is critical, particularly in light of recent changes in the past few years.

Districts specifically need to focus on training around common core state standards and the next generation science standards, along with using data to improve student achievement and the new evaluation system.

Taylor shared how Lake Stevens is embedding professional learning throughout the district on an on-going basis and in a collaborative manner. The best learning doesn't occur in short bursts, said Taylor. Rather, learning occurs throughout the year, and is intimately connected to daily work, she said..

WSSDA has prioritized professional development funding as one of its top priorities, and is promoting companion bills in the House and Senate (HB 2313/SB 6161) that would require at least two days of state funding for training for all certificated instructional staff, building-level administrators, and paraeducators who work with LAP, ELL, highly capable, and special education students.

School leaders from North Thurston, Tacoma, Vancouver, and Mary M. Knight school districts also discussed the importance of systematic professional learning and collaboration that is thoughtful and relevant.