What started as a routine motion to go to ease at noon, subject to the call of the Senate President, turned into another altercation between Senate Democrats and Republicans when Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, moved that the Senate adjourn until Monday at 10 a.m.
Speaking strongly against the second motion, Senator Lisa Brown, D-Spokane, lambasted members for wanting to leave with so much work left unfinished.
This was countered by the argument that the Senate Ways and Means had scheduled a number of bills for public hearing today at 1 pm and that work would continue. But there is concern about working over the holiday.
Schoesler conceded the motion to go to ease, which actually took precedent over the over motion, but warned against a rumor to put the Senate under the "call of the Senate," which would put the body essentially in lock down until business was concluded. Several members rose on points of personal privilege to relay their plans for time with their families over this religious holiday.
The Senate went at ease, subject to the call.