Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Legislative Update: Bill action (or inaction, as the case may be)

Running a tight ship today, Senate education committee chair Rosemary McAuliffe, D-Bothell, squeezed in a work session on home visitation programs, a public hearing on four bills, and executive action on eight bills, including the controversial alternative route for principals.

McAuliffe heard from sponsors and supporters on ESHB 1808, the launch year bill; 2SHB 1510, the kindergarten readiness assessment bill; HB 1491, which adds members to the early learning advisory council; and SHB 1621, which makes technical corrections to DEL’s statutes.

On 1510, McAuliffe indicated the Senate version, 2SSB 5427, would be the bill that moved, so it didn’t signal a lack of support if the House bill didn’t move out of committee.

Two bills passed with no amendments: SHB 1431, creating a clear legal framework to help school districts faced with financial insolvency; and SHB 1600, creating an elementary math specialist certification.

Other bills were amended as follows ...

Read the full update.