Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fiscal notes for school districts proposed

Rep. Bruce Dammeier, R-Puyallup, plans to introduce a bill that would put in place a requirement that bills with a unique impact on school districts have a fiscal note written and submitted along with any state impact. (WSSDA has been raising this issue with legislators this session, and we appreciate Rep. Dammeier bringing this bill forward.)

The bill is modeled after the local government fiscal note requirement, and fiscal notes are created when bills have an impact on cities, towns or counties. Dammeier's proposal is designed to mitigate unfunded mandates by bringing to the Legisalture's attention possible fiscal issues for school districts on bills that add new requirements.

Keep in mind that just because a fiscal note is written doesn't mean the funding will come along to match the projected cost. However, having a school district fiscal note does mean that this cost will get flagged. It also raises the potential to add a "null and void" clause to any bill that impacts school districts, which means that funding is required for the bill to be implemented.