Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Early Returns Posted Soon

Results are not posted yet, but are expected around 8:15 p.m. for early returns. "First Reading" will report results as they become available.

Keep in mind that in addition to the governor's race, half of the senate is up for re-election and all 98 of the House seats are on the ballot.

Going into the 2012 election, Senate Democrats hold a 27-22 majority and House Democrats have a 56-42 majority over Republicans.

In the Senate, seven seats are "open" - five of which were held previously by Democrats and two by Republicans.

In the House, depending on how you want to count them, a total of 18 seats are technically "open." This is partly because two seats fell victim to redistricting. Of those open seats, put 11 in the Democrat column and 7 in the Republican column to start tonight's races.

In between posts, check the Washington Secretary of State's web site for a quick glance at how the state, legislative and general election ballot issues are doing.