Friday, February 25, 2011

Bills "die" as Senate W&M finishes work, House W&M still meeting

The Senate Ways & Means finished up work around 4 p.m. today, leaving many bills languishing in committee, including the substitute proposed for SB 5612 which would have created a work group to make recommendations on health insurance for school district and ESD employees.

Also left on the list was the Governor's education restructuring bill, SSB 5639. WSSDA had learned this morning that the bill was going to be "held" so that a new substitute bill could be drafted and considered. The bill and several of the other restructuring or consolidation bills are being held as "necessary to implement the budget" and will continue to be worked.

The committee took action on a handful of bills, including amending 2SSB 5427, which would require school districts receiving state funding for all-day kindergarten to begin using a standard kindergarten readiness assessment. The amendment added the phrase "to the extent funds are available" to the bill.

The House Ways & Means Committee is still working through a list of some 26 bills, although it took action on SHB 1510 earlier today, adding a null and void clause if funding is not provided. This action is similar to the amendment to the kindergarten readiness bill mentioned above.

Another bill that passed out of committee is SHB 1412, which would allow students in the classes of 2013 and 2014 to take only one math test. Voting no were Reps. Bob Hasegawa and Reuven Carlyle.